Make Your Search Engine Rankings Soar


Travel begins with research. Travelers spend an average of 40 hours researching their trips. If you aren’t prominently displayed on search engines, then it’s like you don’t exist. But gaining top rankings gives you a powerful competitive advantage. With high rankings in increasing demand, search engine marketing has become intensely competitive.

You may think your ranking is well beyond your control and have given up on trying to work the search engine system. But the science of search engine optimization (SEO) has evolved, and there are simple steps to take that will boost your rankings.

1. Add fresh, new content to your website through a blog. Continual and consistent updates drive traffic to your website. And when you provide interesting and compelling content, that traffic turns into bookings.

2. Utilize social media. Search engines now incorporate social media data on their results pages. And with the ability to search social media pages, people are likely to look for information on Facebook, Twitter, etc. (since they’re already there) rather than using the traditional search engines. If you aren’t on there, you won’t show up in their results.

3. Make your content shareable. When people like the information you offer, they link back to your site. Links indicate to search engines a certain amount of value and trust, which cause them to rank your site higher on their results pages. And don’t forget to add share and connect buttons to your site.

4. Save time and headache by hiring a professional to research keywords, create interesting articles, and develop a content marketing strategy that will boost your page to the top of search engine results.

Need help with your SEO strategy? Contact me today for a free consultation.

Transform Your Website into Your Best Travel Marketing Tool with These 8 Easy Steps

image (18)Before travelers go into the great wide world, they go to the World Wide Web.

They research, investigate and consider all their options. Often, your website is the first (and sometimes only) experience a prospective traveler will have with you. It’s up to you to make the most of that initial visit.

The longer they stay, the more likely they are to book. And the key purpose of your website is to get them to book with YOU.

Here are some absolute musts to turn your site into your best marketing tool:

1. Be memorable. Be concise. Tell your visitors – in a clear, simple statement – what makes you unique and why they MUST book with you.

2. Engage your visitors with quality photos and video. Use attractive images to showcase your property or services in the best possible light.

3. Be sure your navigation is clearly visible and well-organized. Travelers often visit a page with a specific intention in mind. Make it easy for them to find what they’re looking for.

4. Update your content. Offer fresh, relevant details and information that will connect you with travelers and set you apart as an authority to be trusted.

5. Make your call to action prominent and easy to use. Give incentives and opportunities, and give them with a sense of urgency. Offer enticing deals that travelers won’t want to miss out on, and let them know the clock is ticking.

6. Enable social sharing with social media buttons on your website, making it easy for travelers to follow you and to share your information.

7. Equip your site with technological tracking tools that enable you to consistently target your desired travelers.

8. Create a site that is mobile-compatible. Site traffic and bookings are increasingly occurring through tablets and smart phones. Don’t miss out on those sales!

Need help creating or revamping your travel website? Contact Shoofly Copywriting today for a complimentary consultation.